Adriana N. di Bartolo-Beckman

PhD., Coach and College Administrator

“It was a remarkable experience, and I am so grateful I was a part of the group”

“I don't even know where to begin. I know with 100% certainty having Sara as my coach has made me a better coach, better mom, partner, wife, worker, and I treat myself with more love and respect than ever. I am more deeply connected to my breath, my knowing of who I am, my light and the knowing that the Divine rests in my heart. Though my outside circumstances have not changed, my inside has. I now know better to trust my heart and my intuition.

Before my experience in Answer the Call, I thought I knew where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do with my career. It seemed I was always in the mode of doing and producing. I knew that something was missing.

Then Answer the Call happened, and it was Life Changing for me. I am beyond grateful for Sara's loving support. Even on my worst days - those days when I did not want to be coached - Sara was able to gently and tenderly take down each brick so I could see where my fear was and, in the same breath, where my power was.

I loved our group. It was amazing to see how we came together from different experiences and we all grew. We were able to provide loving support to one another and cheer each other on. It was a remarkable experience, and I am so grateful I was a part of the inaugural group.”


Dave Rosch