Signature Programs


Off-site programs as well as 4-month mastermind programs for leaders who are ready to refine their leading edge.


Using a proven curriculum as a guide, I assist you in clarifying what is most important to you. 


You identify ways to take action and lead, knowing your life’s purpose is guiding you.


You are ready to live a life that is rooted in greater levels of joy and purpose - sharing your unique contributions with the world. 

Ready to refine your leading edge?


These programs are for individuals, such as yourself, who are wanting to engage in deep and honest conversation and lead more courageously within your family, workplace, and community. 

As a participant in these programs you, alongside others, will benefit from a curriculum designed to help you update the way you lead and clarify what is most important to you at this time of your life. 

Both programs are offered periodically throughout the year with participants from a variety of backgrounds.

Mastermind group program

Answer the Call

Participate in Answer the Call.  Emerge from this 4-month mastermind group program having clarified what is most important and valuable in your life. 

Key Takeaways: 

  • Identify behaviors that are no longer working (busyness, distraction, over-commitment).

  • Reframe your inner-narrative in support of emerging goals.

  • Begin to see the ways your choices are creating your life - you are choosing everything.

  • Examine your goals in an atmosphere that is non-judgmental, empathetic, and fun.

  • Stay in action even when it’s uncomfortable - you will be supported.

  • Use the power of a group experience to energize you.

  • Go deeper with one-on-one coaching - see opportunities in a new way.

You need a retreat  

Inspired Leadership Program

It’s time to get off the dance floor and go to the balcony. Think of the dance floor as your day-to-day grind, a full calendar, the feeling of not enough time, limited viewpoints, obstacles in your way. Yet, the view from the balcony is different - it is spacious. You breathe fresh air. Here you have time for inspired thinking, you see interconnectivity and possibility that you couldn’t see from the dance floor. You think creatively and critically on what matters most - and you walk away knowing ‘this is mine to do’. Join me on the balcony. Be inspired.

Within each inspired leader is an inner journey to know your talents and your shadows, to accept them and use them in service. At the same time, there is an outer journey which is what you are doing in the world. The inspired leadership retreat will transform you on both of these journeys.


  • Let go of the unnecessary in your life and work. Focus on the necessary, most important, purpose-driven work.

  • Consider your inner narrative when leading - rewrite this narrative to lead in authentic, courageous ways. Use your strengths and talents to create positive change.

  • Explore what it means to lead at this time. Understanding leadership is a process rooted in learning and growing, active participation, and feedback. Develop a fully integrated view of your leadership by embracing your intuition and inspiration while being strategic, focused, and action-oriented.

  • Consider what brings you joy and fulfillment. Use what inspires you as a guidepost on your journey.


  • Identify the challenge or opportunity that is most important to you at this time. Then, take action towards positive change in your sphere of influence, organization, or community.

  • Participate in a daring-greatly module which is designed for taking action. You will learn how to adopt a mindset of possibility and creativity to move in the direction of your goals..

  • Together with the support of others, you will navigate challenges with courage.

  • Empower others. Build relationships that are built on trust, integrity, and accountability.

  • Refine routines, adopt new behaviors, and align your support systems to create greater efficiency and fulfillment in your life.

Enrollment opens for this timely and relevant
inspired leadership retreat experience later this year.